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Fania's Adventure
Made by Luke Kamachi

Holiday Resort


Hi, Thank you for wanting to try out my game, I have a few favors i'd like to ask of you and then you can press the download button.

1. If you are on this page, then I've sent you a link to it, I only sent links to my friends that i trust. with this being said, DO NOT SHARE ANY FILES/SCREENSHOTS/VIDEOS of my game to ANYONE. I don't care about publicity, what i worry is, the download button below, will get you my game's "build" this zipped file has "assets" and game sprites that are made entirely by me. And i do not know how to copyright my assets i made for my game, So you could imagine i would worry if this zipped file got into the wrong hands and started using my assets without my consent.


i appreciate it if you want to help, but there are some things i can handle by myself and will fix it when i get to it.
Please do NOT ask me to fix:
-Sound effects/any other audio

Please point out any other glitches or suggestions you have.

That's it, you can now download the game!


Do you want to be apart of My game?

want to help me make the game?

Pixel Art

Pixel Art

Pixel Art


My game is a project of love and creativity and teaching lessons. If you are viewing this page i already trust you alot. So if you were to ask me how to do pixel art for my game, I'd be more than happy to help you get started.

If you make music, i'd love for you to make some backround music for my game! I am planning to pay freelance music artists on Fiver to make most of the music. but I'm still fine with having friends be apart of my game anyway i can.

Contact me on discord if you want to contribute to the game.

site made by luke kamachi

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